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East Coast 3rds 4 v Beccles 2

27th November 2021

Last week East coast could only field 8 players, but for this bottom of the table league game they managed to field a full team plus subs, with Beccles having to manage with 10 after only a few minutes of play. Despite this and a few changes of positions Beccles battled through the game giving it their all, as they always do. East Coast scored 3 of their 4 goals from penalty corners, all executed by the same experienced player. The home team had more scoring opportunities, but failed to capitalise on several good chances. On the other hand, Beccles did not get into the D as much as their opponents, but when they did, they took their chances well. East Coast went ahead after 12 minutes, but Beccles equalised a minute later when Ellie Kirby connected with the ball near the post, and pushed Hannah Devine’s shot over the line. However, the home team scored again from a penalty corner so were 2-1 up at half time. Again, Beccles fought hard with 10, but East Coast scored two more goals, one penalty corner and one in open play. Beccles player Gemma Powell, took her goal well after receiving the ball in the D she took it across the D and did a reverse stick shot to beat the keeper making the final score 4-2. It was disappointing to be the first team to lose to East Coast and subsequently give them their first points but as always, everyone did their best.

Team: Ellie, Hannah, Debbie, Siobhan. Karen, Tina, Mandy, Sara, Gemma and Lesley

Report by Debbie Mann


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